Protocol Revenue Service API
Get tron total protocol revenue
Try this endpoint in your browse
Query Parameter
Number of items per page. Default 1000
Start time, accurate to milliseconds
End time, accurate to milliseconds
Query granularity 0/1/2/3 for Day/Month/Quarter/Year
Download format. If format = csv, the statistic data can be downloaded
Sample response
"total": 1,
"data": [
"netBurnIncomePercentInTotal": "0.0125", // proportion of bandwidth burn income to total income
"trxClosePrice": "0.1531909239", // trx closing price for the day
"energyStakeIncomePercent": "0.9534", // proportion of energy staking income to total staking income
"netStakeIncomePercent": "0.0466", // proportion of bandwidth staking income to total staking income
"burnIncomePercent": "0.2001", // proportion of total burn income to total income
"energyBurnIncomePercent": "0.9376", // proportion of energy burn income to total burn income
"energyStakeIncome": 4285590.652345083594282, // total energy stake income
"netBurnIncome": 70170.8149073514303, // total bandwidth burn income
"netStakeIncomePercentInTotal": "0.0373", // proportion of bandwidth staking income to total income
"stakeIncome": 4494945.632862999426882, // total stake income
"stakeIncomePercent": "0.7999", // proportion of total staking income to total income
"totalIncome": 5619413.042217823529562, // total income
"energyStakeIncomePercentInTotal": "0.7626", // proportion of energy staking income to total income
"energyIncome": 5339887.246792556266662, // total energy income
"energyBurnIncome": 1054296.594447472672380, // energy burn income
"energyBurnIncomePercentInTotal": "0.1876", // proportion of energy burn income to total income
"netIncome": 279525.7954252672629, // total bandwidth income
"netBurnIncomePercent": "0.0624", // proportion of bandwidth burn income to total burn income
"netStakeIncome": 209354.9805179158326, // bandwidth staking income
"day": "2024-09-08", // statistic day
"burnIncome": 1124467.409354824102680 // total burn income
"totalIncomeYester": 5619413.042217823529562, // last day total income
"totalIncomeYesterRate": -0.049, // day-over-day total income comparison
"totalIncomeMonth": "229708957.488249488240826", // last month total income
"totalIncomeMonthRate": 0.5024, // month-over-month total income comparison
"totalIncome3Month": "524743928.187377907224572", // last quarter total income
"totalIncome3MonthRate": 0.3363, // quarter-over-quarter total income comparison
"totalIncomeYear": "1575565290.6602948302878386299322", // last year total income
"totalIncomeYearRate": 1.1513 // year-over-year total income comparison
Retrieve burn income/staking income on TRON.
Try this endpoint in your browse
Query Parameter
Number of items per page. Default 1000
Start time, accurate to milliseconds
End time, accurate to milliseconds
Query granularity 0/1/2/3 for Day/Month/Quarter/Year
Download format. If format = csv, the statistic data can be downloaded
Retrieval type burn/stake for Burn/Staking
"total": 1,
"data": [
"burnIncome": 1124467.409354, // total burn income
"day": "2024-09-08", // statistic day
"energyBurnIncome": 1054296.594447, // energy burn income
"energyIncome": 5339887.246793, // total energy income
"energyStakeIncome": 4285590.652345, // energy stake income
"netBurnIncome": 70170.814907, // bandwidth burn income
"netIncome": 279525.795425, // total bandwidth income
"netStakeIncome": 209354.980518, // bandwidth stake income
"stakeIncome": 4494945.632863, // total stake income
"totalIncome": 5619413.042218, // total income
"trxPriceInUsd": 0.1531909239 // trx price in usd on statistic day
"totalIncomeYear": 492478932.604666, // last year income for current type (burn/stake)
"totalIncomeMonth": 60428021.151735, // last month income for current type (burn/stake)
"totalIncome3Month": 135831107.601129, // last quarter income for current type (burn/stake)
"totalIncomeYester": 1124467.409354, // yesterday income for current type (burn/stake)
"totalNetIncomeYear": 19628143.501117, // last year bandwidth income for current type (burn/stake)
"totalNetIncomeMonth": 2750197.858982, // last month bandwidth income for current type (burn/stake)
"totalNetIncome3Month": 6343358.549405, // last quarter bandwidth income for current type (burn/stake)
"totalNetIncomeYester": 70170.814907, // yesterday bandwidth income for current type (burn/stake)
"totalEnergyIncomeYear": 472850789.103549, // last year energy income for current type (burn/stake)
"totalEnergyIncomeMonth": 57677823.292753, // last month energy income for current type (burn/stake)
"totalEnergyIncome3Month": 129487749.051724, // last quarter energy income for current type (burn/stake)
"totalEnergyIncomeYester": 1054296.594447, // yesterday energy income for current type (burn/stake)
"totalNetIncomeYearRate": 0.039856, // bandwidth burn/stake income proportion for the year
"totalNetIncomeMonthRate": 0.045512, // bandwidth burn/stake income proportion for the month
"totalNetIncome3MonthRate": 0.0467, // bandwidth burn/stake income proportion for the quarter
"totalNetIncomeYesterRate": 0.062404, // bandwidth burn/stake income proportion for the previous day
"totalEnergyIncomeYearRate": 0.960144, // energy burn/stake income proportion for the year
"totalEnergyIncomeMonthRate": 0.954488, // energy burn/stake income proportion for the month
"totalEnergyIncome3MonthRate": 0.9533, // energy burn/stake income proportion for the quarter
"totalEnergyIncomeYesterRate": 0.937596, // energy burn/stake income proportion for the previous day
"totalIncomeYearRatio": 0.427393, // year-over-year total burn/stake income comparison
"totalNetIncomeYearRatio": 0.422052, // year-over-year bandwidth burn/stake income comparison
"totalEnergyIncomeYearRatio": 0.427615, // year-over-year energy burn/stake income comparison
"totalIncomeMonthRatio": 0.682368, // month-over-month total burn/stake income comparison
"totalNetIncomeMonthRatio": 0.540702, // month-over-month bandwidth burn/stake income comparison
"totalEnergyIncomeMonthRatio": 0.689776, // month-over-month energy burn/stake income comparison
"totalIncome3MonthRatio": 0.164025, // quarter-over-quarter total burn/stake income comparison
"totalNetIncome3MonthRatio": 0.435015, // quarter-over-quarter bandwidth burn/stake income comparison
"totalEnergyIncome3MonthRatio": 0.153355, // quarter-over-quarter energy burn/stake income comparison
"totalIncomeYesterRatio": -0.164912, // day-over-day total burn/stake income comparison
"totalNetIncomeYesterRatio": -0.046008, // day-over-day bandwidth burn/stake income comparison
"totalEnergyIncomeYesterRatio": -0.171783 // day-over-day energy burn/stake income comparison
Last updated