
Get account list

Returns the list of accounts.

Query Parameters

Get account detail information

Returns the detail information of an account.

Query Parameters

Get account's token list

Returns a list of tokens held by the account with a balance greater than 0.

Query Parameters

Get the voted list

Returns the voter list of a certain SR or the voted list of a certain account involving all SRs.

Query Parameters

Get a list of account resources

Returns the resource list of an account that has resources in Stake 1.0.

Query Parameters

Get a list of stake 2.0 account resources

Returns the resource list of an account that has resources in Stake 2.0.

Query Parameters

Get approval list

Returns the approval list of the specified account.

Query Parameters

Get account authorization change records

Returns account authorization change records.

Query Parameters

Get list of daily analytics data for an account over time

Returns a list of daily analytics data for an account within the specified period.


  • Balance (TRX balance, price of TRX on that day, calculated using USDT). Value: 0

  • Token transfers (number of transfers [trx, trc10, trc20] and number of tokens transferred [need to be de-duplicated]). Value: 1

  • Energy consumption ([transaction triggered by current account] consumes Energy from frozen TRX, consumes Energy from TRX burning, consumes Energy provided by contract deployers, total Energy consumed). Value: 2

  • Bandwidth consumption ([transaction triggered by current account] consumes Bandwidth from frozen TRX or free Bandwidth, consumes Bandwidth from burning TRX). Value: 3

  • Transactions (number of transactions initiated, and received by the current account). Value: 4

Query Parameters

Get an account to participate in the project

Returns the project that an account has participated in.

Query Parameters

Get account wallet token overview

Returns overview of tokens in the account wallet.

Query Parameters

Find the address if exist on other chain

Query Parameters

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